Loyalty Fund Archives | Ashley Hall

The 2015-2016 Loyalty Fund 

Ashley Hall closed out a very successful Loyalty Fund year on June 30, 2016. It is with deep gratitude that we report the following:

Stellar Growth

The $1,075,000 goal was not only met, but surpassed for a total of $1,133,210.

In addition, participation from current Ashley Hall parents hit 66%, an increase of 11% over last year.

Strong Participation

Reunion Giving

Top Reunion Class giving came from the Class of 1966 at 64%, Class of 1971 at 54% and Class of 1976 at 43%.

The Class of 1976 lovingly created a scholarship for a deserving student in honor of their beloved classmate and Ashley Hall faculty member of 15 years, Mary B. Webb ’76. Class members and friends of the Class of 1976 raised $28,521 to create a scholarship in Mary’s name. PQV Class of 1976!

On behalf of the entire Ashley Hall community, we extend a heartfelt thank you. Your Loyalty Fund gift supports every student, every division, every faculty member, and every program at Ashley Hall.

The Loyalty Fund

In support of self discovery, scholastic excellence, service and sisterhood.

Self Discovery

The Early Education Center’s Reggio Emilio Curriculum
Lower School Student Driven “Center Based” Art Program
Health and Wellness Programs
Athletics Needs – field upkeep, uniforms and equipment

Scholastics Excellence

Enhanced Robotics Program
Junior Internships and Senior Projects
Model United Nations
Curriculum-Based International Travel Programs


Kindergarten Sea Turtle Hospital Partnership
Lower School Bee Cause Program
Intermediate School Clean Water Ways Initiative
Compass Rose Partnership with Meeting Street Academy


Big Sister/Little Sister Events
Championship Athletic Programs
Intramural Purple and White Activities
Alumnae Life-Long Learning and Volunteer Opportunities

My name is Molly Waring ’02, and I am honored to introduce myself as the 2016-2017 president of the Ashley Hall Alumnae Association. I give back to Ashley Hall for a multitude of reasons—legacy, community, opportunity—but, overall, I feel an inherent sense of responsibility to give back to the community that has given me so much. 

Many of you share my feelings, as is evident by the 661 alumnae who have given back to Ashley Hall already this fiscal year. In fact, this sense of gratitude and responsibility has reached even further than we imagined it would, embracing support from alumnae as far away as Hawaii and as young as the Class of 2016—our youngest sisters! One hundred percent participation in the Loyalty Fund from this graduating class says a tremendous amount about how current students feel about Ashley Hall. Your support is what has made this school the best it can be. Thank you.

If you have not yet had a chance, please join us by making a donation this fiscal year which ends June 30. Each gift, no matter the size, increases our alumnae giving percentage and strengthens our school. The alumnae body is the strongest giving constituency within Ashley Hall—and no wonder—we are the ones who know first hand what this great school has done for us, and what it truly means to be an Ashley Hall Girl.

Support Ashley Hall

The Ashley Hall experience has been very special for the Nistads, which is why we agreed to co-chair this year’s Loyalty Fund. Joining us as co-chairs are Pete and Kathy Nistad (grand-parents) and Kevin and Jennifer Nistad McCooey ’99.

Extraordinary opportunities for our family have been made possible in large part by the Loyalty Fund. Our older daughter, McCrae, is a Senior this year. She played four years of varsity tennis and has been on the lacrosse team since its inception. She also was a crew member on the Roseway for the Offshore Leadership Program and a four-year participant in the Model United Nations Conference at William & Mary College. Mason, our 6th grader, learned to play the violin and is becoming a skilled volleyball player. She is looking forward to all of the extraordinary opportunities, like the Roseway, that lay ahead.

We see our Loyalty Fund support at work on a daily basis, and want to preserve those opportunities – not only for our girls, but for all the students at Ashley Hall who are well on their way to becoming “rock stars.”

-Cameron and Gunnar Nistad

Connect with us

Ashley Hall is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.