The Ashley Hall Bee Program continues to buzz. Begun four years ago with one Bee Cause observation hive installed in the Pardue Hall Science Lab, the Bee Program now expands through the Upper School curriculum with rooftop Langstroth hives (a wood hive built in a frame for easy bee and honey removal) being explored daily by students of all ages. It is a signature component of Ashley Hall’s science program giving the girls a “hands on” experiential learning opportunity to connect with the natural world and understand the bee’s critical impact on the ecosystem.
With a desire to start the program with the younger children, Ms. Flowers and the Lower School Bee Club took the helm, and a new Bee Cause hive was recently installed in the Ross Early Education Center. “This is a terrific Reggio Emilia tool,” shares Early Education Center Director Dana VanHook, “and the Lower School girls taking the initiative on installation made the opportunity perfect. The younger children are thrilled to now have a hive to explore and respond to.” Now to share some bee hive love with the Intermediate Program…stay tuned girls!