Ashley Hall will begin the 2022-23 school year with a new leader. Dr. Anne Thornhill Weston ’73, former Assistant Head of School and Director of Upper School, officially assumed the role of Head of School on July 1, 2022.
Succeeding Jill Swisher Muti, Dr. Weston is Ashley Hall’s sixth Head of School and the only alumna to hold the position. She takes the School’s helm at a time of record-high enrollment, vital community relationships and an outstanding and loyal faculty and parent body whose dedication is truly matchless. Her strategic priorities include bolstering rich and worthy traditions and forward-thinking innovations alike, including welcoming new senior administrators to advance academics and student life, enhancing the athletic facilities and experience, renovating and expanding best-in-class STEAM programs, and growing the School’s already noteworthy performing arts program.
Along with her exceptional experience as a seasoned educator, Dr. Weston brings to her new role a love of Ashley Hall, talent as a communicator, and positive leadership as a lifelong advocate for women and girls. Here are a few fun facts to know about Dr. Weston:
5 Things to Know About Dr. Weston
1. Dr. Weston began her career at Ashley Hall teaching seventh and eighth grade math and science classes and went on to hold teaching and administrative positions at Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia, South Carolina before returning home in 2015.
2. She played women’s college basketball for Duke University and was a member of the varsity sailing team.
3. Her grandmother, Ama Van Noy Smith,was in the first class at Ashley Hall, a tradition continued by Dr. Weston, her sister Ama Thornhill Couch ’84, and her first cousin Jane Thornhill Schachte ’70.
4. Whether it’s at sea on a tall ship with Offshore Leadership Program participants or rowing in the Charleston Dragon Boat Festival, Dr. Weston loves a good outdoor adventure with her students.
5. She was captain of the Purple team and was co-First Honor Graduate of the Class of 1973!