Last week’s severe weather created challenges for many in the Charleston area, including Ashley Hall’s 7th grade girls participating in Model United Nations (UN). Scheduled to leave early Wednesday morning for the conference in Black Mountain, North Carolina, the trip was sadly canceled due to high wind advisories in the mountains for high profile vehicles, aka buses! With student safety front of mind, faculty quickly adjusted plans to hold our own Model UN on campus. “It was a true PQV moment,” said Upper School Director, Mary Schweers. “Our faculty, and students, rose to the occasion not losing this learning opportunity. Everyone was terrific and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day.”
Inspired by our Hallmark, Worldly, Ashley Hall is a proud participant in the Model UN program. This program offers an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly which introduces students to the world of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making.
Over the course of several months, the girls identified a third-world issue, conducted thorough research on this issue, created an informational booth display, and presented a bill for funding to the UN General Student Assembly. In lieu of sharing their work with other schools, the students opened their booths and made formal presentations to members of the 8th grade and also their little sisters. PQV to these true global citizens!