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Welcome to Her World: Exploring Math & Science at Ashley Hall

Wednesday, November 15
6:00pm – 8:00pm

The Ashley Hall Bee Society is buzzing on campus. Begun five years ago with one Bee Cause observation hive installed in the Lower School Science Lab, the bee program now expands through the Upper School curriculum with rooftop Langstroth hives (a wood hive built in a frame for easy bee and honey removal) being explored daily by students of all ages. It is a signature component of Ashley Hall’s science program giving the girls a “hands on” experiential learning opportunity to connect with the natural world and understand the bee’s critical impact on the ecosystem.

Learn more about the Bee Society and our science and math programs at Welcome to Her World. In this special evening program designed for parents across all divisions, Ashley Hall will share how our Learning Spiral is being fully realized in the areas of math and science. Specifically, the manner in which classroom activities and experiential opportunities are sequenced in order to foster not just content mastery but also the acquisition of vital skills and habits of mind will be shared. Participants will have the opportunity to experience first hand some of the important work students are doing and to get a glimpse of what might be ahead as they progress through other grades and divisions. Prospective families are welcome!

To make your reservation: email [email protected].

Please enter campus through the Smith Street Gate at 133 Smith Street. Ample parking is available in the lot across from the Smith Street Gate. Students are more than welcome to attend, but this event is designed for parents.

We look forward to seeing you there!

A signature component of Ashley Hall’s Early Education Center program, students are exposed to French daily through a communicative approach. Instructor, Madame Elena Dardar, captures videos throughout the year of the young students’ progress. In this fun clip, you will see the students beginning the language immersion process with the mastery of French basics with the greetings “hello” and “how are you?” Très bien, students! Click on the button below to watch the video.

Primary French Class Video

The Ashley Hall Bee Program continues to buzz. Begun four years ago with one Bee Cause observation hive installed in the Pardue Hall Science Lab, the Bee Program now expands through the Upper School curriculum with rooftop Langstroth hives (a wood hive built in a frame for easy bee and honey removal) being explored daily by students of all ages. It is a signature component of Ashley Hall’s science program giving the girls a “hands on” experiential learning opportunity to connect with the natural world and understand the bee’s critical impact on the ecosystem.

With a desire to start the program with the younger children, Ms. Flowers and the Lower School Bee Club took the helm, and a new Bee Cause hive was recently installed in the Ross Early Education Center. “This is a terrific Reggio Emilia tool,” shares Early Education Center Director Dana VanHook, “and the Lower School girls taking the initiative on installation made the opportunity perfect. The younger children are thrilled to now have a hive to explore and respond to.” Now to share some bee hive love with the Intermediate Program…stay tuned girls!

One morning on their walkabout on campus Ms. Molony and Ms. Bordeaux’s pre-kindergarten class spied something unusual, but oh so colorful, on the sidewalk behind Jenkins Hall. The girls from Ms. Hughes’s 7th grade had created their interpretations of Indian rangolis on the sidewalk. Traditionally made from vibrantly colored flour, rice, and sand, the rangoli is an Indian art pattern created to enhance the entrance point of a room or living space. Think of it as the Indian version of a good luck charm!

Needless to say, the young students were mesmerized, asking numerous questions about these colorful creations, and voila, a new investigation had begun. Ms. Robbin’s, the EEC’s atelierista, allowed the children to create their own rangolis out of butcher paper which thrilled everyone! Upper School girls from Ms. Hughes’s class visited the students to share their knowledge of India and this art form. Perfectly timed to round out the investigation was a visit to College of Charleston’s Halsey Gallery which featured an exhibition of rangoli artwork. The children loved seeing “the real thing” in person and were given more ideas as to styles and colors used to create these gorgeous pieces of art. The beauty of this investigation has also been the incorporation of so many of the Ashley Hall Hallmarks, namely: worldly, collaborative, and creative.

View Photos from the Investigation

Students from Ashley Hall’s Early Education Center and first grade have been exploring building and construction. The students have been practicing making 2-D sketches and bringing them to life in the classroom. In collaboration with this study, the students were able to visit the Medical University of South Carolina’s construction site for the new Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital. This was such a wonderful way for the students to understand the different steps that happen in the construction process. They were also able to meet many different local professionals and were able to observe many of the equipment tools at work.

A heartfelt “thank you” to all of our families and alumnae who supported the Chicora Elementary School gift-giving campaign. This morning in North Charleston, 568 bags filled to the top with new toys, books, school supplies and uniforms, were distributed to our young friends at Chicora. Over 20 cars acted as “sleighs” behind the big Ashley Hall activity bus which was packed to the ceiling with gift bags. A huge PQV to EEC Director and Santa’s special elf, Dana VanHook, and her team of incredible volunteers who pulled this huge effort off seamlessly for the 17th year. The best part of the visit—seeing the children’s faces light up when seeing Santa Claus and a gift bag with their name on it! We believe! Do you?  

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Ashley Hall is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.