Dear Ashley Hall Community,
The Charleston community and our nation are hurting. The global pandemic is wreaking pain and uncertainty which are being experienced unevenly across our society. The tragic murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor assault us anew with the long legacy of unequal justice and systemic racism directed against people of color and marginalized communities. Charleston holds a unique place in this story of our nation, and our campus history also carries the legacy of these burdens.
As a response to this, we hold fast to the mission of our School, which is to prepare young women who are independent, ethically responsible, and prepared to meet the challenges of society, which includes a commitment to justice, equity, and respect for all.
We will listen with open hearts and minds. We hold out hope for change in future generations, and as a school, we have a responsibility to learn and to foster the discussions that help future generations embrace a society that affirms and respects rather than divides and diminishes.
At this time more than ever, it is imperative for us to stop and listen and embrace the perspectives of a diverse group of voices. In the words of Ibram X. Kendi, “Denial is the heartbeat of racism, beating across ideologies, races, and nations. It is beating within us.” While we recognize the long road ahead, it is this strength of purpose that will sustain us and give us all hope for the future.
Jill Muti, Ashley Hall Head of School